Evidence, Intake, and More Regarding Vitamins for Hair Loss

07 June 2023 1236
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Rosen and Draayer agree with the science. 'Supplementing with vitamins or minerals will only benefit the hair loss if the hair loss is caused by a micronutrient deficiency,' Rosen says. For other sources of hair loss, Draayer says micronutrients 'are likely not going to have a significant impact on hair loss. In all cases, it's important to address the underlying cause.'

We require different amounts of micronutrients, and when it comes to the four we need for hair health, here is what we need and how to get it from food:

Adults need at least 30 mcg per day, which can be met by regularly consuming foods like eggs, salmon, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, avocados, beef or chicken liver, and sunflower seeds.

People between 19 and 70 need 15 mcg or 600 IU daily. The best way to get your vitamin D is to be in the sun (with skin exposed) on a consistent basis. Eating vitamin D-rich foods often, like fatty fish (salmon, trout, tuna, and mackerel), eggs, and fortified dairy products and cereals, can help you meet your needs. Plus, including fat in your meals and snacks regularly will support your vitamin D status, since it is fat-soluble (meaning it requires fat for absorption).

Men need 8 mg while women need 18 mg per day. You can meet your needs by eating heme (animal sources like red meat and poultry) and non-heme sources (plant-based sources like legumes and spinach) regularly, however, heme sources are the most bioavailable. Boost your non-heme iron absorption by eating foods rich in vitamin C, like oranges, broccoli, and bell peppers.

Men need 11 mg and women need 8 mg daily. Meet your zinc requirements by including meat, fish, seafood, dairy products, and eggs in your diet. While beans, nuts, and whole grains offer zinc, it is less bioavailable than its animal sources.

Draayer points out that 'in some cases, individuals may require supplementation due to deficiencies, medically necessary dietary restrictions, or specific health conditions. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before adding supplements to your routine, as unnecessary supplementation or large doses of vitamins may not provide additional benefits and could potentially lead to adverse effects.'

Outside of vitamins and minerals, there are several other natural remedies to consider and what you choose depends on the underlying issue, according to Rosen, who stresses always finding the culprit first. For example, hypothyroidism and hormonal imbalances can be addressed with nutrition, supplement, and lifestyle interventions, she says.

'When my clients experience hair loss because of malnutrition, we work toward healing their relationships to food, and getting enough calories and a variety of food groups every day,' she says.

And when stress is the issue, Draayer recommends practicing stress-reduction techniques, such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. Other remedies include scalp massage, essential oils and other oils (such as pumpkinseed oil), medicinal plants, proper hair care, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Just like when you consider supplementation, consult with your healthcare provider before trying other options.

Hair loss can happen naturally during life transitions that impact hormones like pregnancy or because of major stressors like a car accident or a divorce, which will typically be resolved once the situation does. However, there are instances when hair loss merits immediate medical attention.

'It is necessary to seek medical treatment for hair loss when it is rapid, sudden, unexplained, or persistent,' shares Draayer. 'This can indicate an underlying medical condition, hormonal imbalance, or nutritional deficiency that requires professional evaluation and appropriate intervention.'

It is difficult to lose your hair and supplement marketing for hair growth can be oh-so-alluring (and pricey). The route you choose is highly personal and is best decided upon with the help of a medical provider, so you can have the safe and sound healing process you deserve.