The Impact of Sitting All Day on Your Heart Health

16 November 2023 2451
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Choosing to move for a few minutes rather than sitting can bring significant improvement to heart health, according to recent studies.

Due to the nature of their jobs, many adults have to stay inactive throughout the day. However, incorporating even small amounts of physical activity can result in a positive impact on overall well-being.

A recent study from University College London has revealed that replacing sitting time with just a few minutes of moderate-intensity exercise on a daily basis can significantly enhance heart health. This research was published in the European Heart Journal earlier this month.

Conversely, the same study showed that prolonged sitting can adversely affect heart health and elevate the risk of death.

To get a better understanding, researchers constructed a model to predict the outcomes if a person replaced one daily activity with another over a week.

This model studied data from various sources, which helped the research team understand the effect of substituting certain behaviours. For example, a 54-year-old woman who replaces half an hour of sitting with moderate exercise could not only enhance her heart health but also decrease her waist size by 2.5 cm (a decrease of 2.7%).

Other studies have also investigated the detrimental effects of sitting on health and the ways to counteract these risks.

In a study done earlier this year, researchers discovered that individuals who sit for more than 12 hours daily and don't get at least 22 minutes of exercise run a 38% increased risk of death.

Edvard Sagelv, PhD, who co-authored the study and is also a researcher at the Arctic University of Norway, stated that prolonged sitting is detrimental to our hearts in the same way activity is beneficial. He stressed that a healthy heart beats heavily and is strong.

What are the consequences of prolonged sitting and what can you do about it? Here's what you need to know.

Sitting for too long replaces time that could be spent moving, having a negative impact on many physiological processes, explains Sebastien Chastin, PhD, a professor of health behavior dynamics at Glasgow Caledonian University.

There is evidence that prolonged sitting affects how our bodies process sugar and also affects hormones related to bone health. Prolonged sitting can lead to muscle weakness, muscle imbalances in the core and legs, poor posture, reduced blood circulation, weight gain, and obesity, warns John Gallucci Jr. MS, ATC, PT, DPT, CEO of JAG Physical Therapy, and a Doctor of Physical Therapy.

Dr. Sagelv added that sitting affects our metabolism and sends a signal to our body that energy demand is low, leading to a slowdown in our liver and muscle energy systems, resulting in poorer performance in energy burning.

Sitting for several hours has also been associated with neurological problems, including an increased risk of dementia for those sitting for 10 hours or more each day.

While there's no definitive consensus on how long one can sit each day without adverse impact, Professor Chastin recommends minimizing sitting time as much as possible.

According to him, aiming for two to three minutes of moderate exercise per hour of sitting seems like a good balance. However, the actual duration and intensity will depend on your daily sitting time and finding a suitable balance.

A 2021 study led by Chastin suggested that people who tend to sit for prolonged periods may need about 40 minutes of daily moderate to vigorous physical activity to reduce the all-cause mortality risk by 30%. On the other hand, those who sit for only six hours a day might require just five minutes of exercise for the same risk reduction.

The main point here is that the more you sit, the more movement is needed to decrease your risk of developing health problems.

To combat the effects of sitting, the best thing you can do is to incorporate more physical activity in your life. However, for many, this could be challenging because it may require significant changes in their lifestyle and work habits.

“Technology can help with prompts to remind us [to stand or move], but we have seen that the effect tends to fade with time,” Chastin said. “[Instead], take any opportunity to move and have fun; and stay away from screens as much as possible.”

He also noted that sleeping is important because it means you are less tired and have more energy for the active things you want to do.

You also can try doing chores or activities around the house, assuming you have a little more time on your hands. Chastin explained that it takes about seven minutes of light activity to have the same effect as one minute of moderate exercise on the human body.

If you are pressed for time, Sagelv suggests doing higher-intensity movements for shorter periods.

“Even some movement is good for your risk of death, meaning, it will help you live longer,” he said.

Another way to build activity into your day is to set an alarm to get up and do jumping jacks every hour. Or, Gallucci explained that a standing desk is another way to make the most of the workday without forfeiting all your activity time for the day.

He also recommends standing during meetings at work, walking while you make phone calls, exercising during lunch, and stretching throughout the day to reduce stiffness.

“The key is to not just reduce sitting time but to also promote a healthy lifestyle through consistent physical activity,” Gallucci said. “Engage in regular aerobic exercise, strength training, and stretching. Be sure to also take short breaks and maintain good posture when you are sitting.”