Is it Beneficial to Take a Multivitamin?

27 December 2023 2315
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Multivitamins hold the title of the most popular nutritional supplement in the U.S. Nevertheless, the necessity of these supplements is a topic of contention.

Given the wide availability of nutrient-dense food in developed countries, some argue that nutrient deficiencies might not be as prevalent as thought. However, the majority of Americans don't meet the recommended intake of fruits and vegetables. Here's what registered dietitians think about multivitamin supplementation.

Our bodies require vitamins to maintain normal cellular function, growth, and development. Multivitamins are typically used when a person doesn’t receive sufficient nutrients from their diet. In addition, there are also multivitamin-mineral supplements that provide minerals in conjunction with vitamins.

A study performed on dietary supplement usage in the U.S., from the 2017–2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), revealed that multivitamin-mineral supplements held the top spot as the most commonly consumed supplement among men and women. It found 24% of adults aged 20 to 39, and 29.8% of adults aged 40 to 59 reported regular usage. This figure rose to 39.4% for adults aged 60 and older.

Despite their widespread use, not everyone may need a multivitamin. However, certain groups could potentially benefit. Let's explore who might be in these groups.

People following diets that restrict or eliminate certain food groups, such as vegans and vegetarians, may use multivitamins as a nutritional tool to help cover up deficiencies, informs nutrition specialist Maya Feller, MS, RD, CDN, and author.

However, not everyone who follows these restrictive diets may need a multivitamin. If their diet is well-balanced, they may just need to supplement nutrients that aren’t present in large amounts in plant-based foods, such as vitamin B-12, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and perhaps calcium and iron, suggests Feller.

Similarly, if people suffer from iron deficiency anemia, a healthcare provider usually recommends an iron supplement to restore health and then determines whether or not to continue the supplement, based on the cause of the condition.

Feller further adds that pregnant women and those trying to conceive may also benefit from multivitamins, specifically prenatals.

Prenatal vitamins, similar to multivitamins, help compensate for potential nutritional gaps for the ultimate growth of a healthy baby. For instance, the importance of folate or folic acid increases during pregnancy for the prevention of major birth defects related to the fetus's brain and spine, states the American College of Gynecology.

Multivitamins might be beneficial for those with G.I. disorders causing excessive vomiting, diarrhea, and subsequent nutrient malabsorption, like celiac disease, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis. Similarly, individuals who had to undergo surgery to remove parts of their digestive organs could benefit from a multivitamin.

Nutrient depletion due to medication is also a considerable factor. For instance, proton pump inhibitors used for acid reflux can lower the body's ability to absorb vitamin B12, and certain diuretics used for blood pressure control can deplete calcium, magnesium, and potassium levels. Even some oral contraceptives may influence nutrient levels.

Consequently, it is essential to consult with your healthcare provider regarding how a medication might impact your nutritional status, especially when you start a new prescription.

Last but not least, there could be some potential drawbacks to taking a multivitamin-mineral supplement. For example, if you don’t need supplementation, it could be an unnecessary expense. It's also possible to overdo certain nutrients. If you take too many multivitamins, especially the fat-soluble ones (vitamins A, D, E, and K), it could potentially lead to a harmful buildup in tissues," warns Feller. Therefore, without having accurate lab work to prove a deficiency, it's advised not to supplement these vitamins.

As for water-soluble vitamins taken in excess, they simply don't make it to the body's cells. This scenario results in bright-colored urine, a sign that you are merely peeing out the unutilized vitamins, says Feller. Here, you're not sabotaging the effectiveness of the multivitamin, you're merely flushing your money down the drain.

Pay attention to the minerals contained in your supplements, particularly if you're consuming several different types. For instance, if you consume a multivitamin-mineral supplement providing a daily zinc dosage and an immune-boosting supplement containing a therapeutic amount of zinc, you might begin feeling the effects of excessive zinc intake. Iron is another mineral where it's vital to strike a balance between sufficient and excessive intake.

When thinking about a multivitamin, the 'food-first' ethos is essential. This approach advises meeting nutritional requirements primarily from food, explains Dawn Jackson Blatner, RDN, a registered dietitian, and author of The Flexitarian Diet. Often, it's challenging to obtain everything from food alone, so supplements can be an additional strategy to assure nutrient needs are met.

Notably, the 'food first' philosophy doesn't mean 'food only.' Multivitamin minerals serve as a moderate insurance policy to get more of the nutrients you may not be eating enough of, according to Blatner.

Blatner emphasizes that research indicates that compared to solely consuming food, the intake of a multivitamin-mineral supplement has been related to better nutrient intake and lower instances of inadequacies.

Nevertheless, multivitamins are not panaceas, highlights Blatner, but they can be included in a healthy lifestyle. One study analyzing various aspects of a healthy anti-inflammatory lifestyle found that multivitamin minerals were a favored habit of those with the least inflammation.

Figuring out if you're deficient in certain nutrients can be difficult because generally, blood tests do not detect deficiencies unless they are severe, Blatner says. However, deficiencies in nutrients such as iron, B12, folate, vitamin D, and omega 3 often appear in blood work.

If your nutritional needs have increased, you're following an extremely restrictive diet for more than a week, avoiding certain food groups due to allergies or personal choice, have limited variety in your diet, or suffer from a condition related to increased nutrient needs or impaired nutrient absorption, it's wise to consult a healthcare professional regarding beneficial supplementation.

Monitoring your body can also shed light on whether you're adequately nourished. For instance, if your energy, mood, workout performance, or gastrointestinal function are affected, or you're experiencing new issues, discuss with a healthcare provider how nutritional status might be a factor.

The supplement industry isn't governed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), determining whether a product supports your goals can be tricky. Start by choosing a reliable brand.

"If you're not using a credible brand, you might unintentionally ingest harmful impurities or excessive nutrient amounts," warns Blatner. "Pick a brand that is completely open about their purity, quality, and safety testing. Verify this by reading product labels or visiting company websites to learn about their testing processes and potential third-party certifications."

Selecting the correct formula for your unique needs is also crucial, she notes. "Opt for a multivitamin designed for your age, gender, and lifecycle stage. This is critical as not all nutrients are healthy and necessary for everyone. For instance, men and menopausal women generally do not require additional iron."

Lastly, consider the number of pills, capsules, or gummies required per serving, advises Blatner. "Some brands require only one per day, while others necessitate many more to obtain the nutrient amounts listed on the label." If you think you would struggle taking multiple pills daily, it's a sign you might be better off with a one-a-day product.

In terms of vitamins and minerals, the main focus should be on consuming a balanced diet. Emphasizing varied eating habits — especially consuming a wide variety of plants from all sources, different types of grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and animal proteins — should be prioritized.

However, if you require additional support to meet those needs, a multivitamin or supplement covering specific nutrient gaps in your diet can be a worthwhile tool. Seek advice from a healthcare professional, and remember to choose a reputable brand. Also, remember to meet your nutrient needs while being aware that overdoing a good thing is also possible.

If you do not have access to a healthcare provider, Blatner recommends the USDA’s MyPlate planner. This tool uses information such as your age, gender, height, weight, and physical activity to create a personalized food plan revealing how many daily servings of each food group you’d need to meet your nutrient needs.