Addressing Concerns About His Age Can Help Joe Biden Overcome Them

Written by Eric Lutz
President Joe Biden is facing continuous questions related to his age despite his noteworthy achievements in domestic policy and his strong handling of numerous international crises. Reports suggest that he is greatly frustrated by the media's persistent focus on this issue, a sentiment expressed by New York Times publisher, A.G. Sulzberger. However, it's significant to note that amid Biden's impressive track record, public concerns about his age are justifiable and need to be properly addressed.
While Biden's advanced age doesn't inherently constitute a threat to democracy, its continual emphasis by the media isn't arbitrary. There is tangible apprehension among the public that needs to be confronted and managed as a matter of priority.
A Quinnipiac poll released on Wednesday showed Biden leading likely opponent Donald Trump by a narrow margin. The slight lead remained consistent when independent candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Jill Stein and Cornel West were part of the consideration. Encouragingly, democracy emerged as the central concern among respondents - a focus of Biden's campaign. However, a significant majority, 67 percent of the polled individuals, expressed skepticism about Biden's ability to serve another term because of his age.
It's fair to exercise caution when interpreting poll results, as situations often unfold differently than projected. Nevertheless, given the stakes, such significant findings cannot be overlooked. Recent discussions have highlighted that Biden's primary challenge is to convince voters of his eligibility for re-election despite his age.
The suggestion that Biden, despite his successful presidential tenure, is finding it difficult to campaign for re-election, has prompted a significant response. Some critics, like Joan Walsh from The Nation, argue against the idea of resorting to Democratic rising stars like Kamala Harris and J.B. Pritzker to resolve Biden's age issue. The possible fallout that the 1968 Democratic convention witnessed was referred to as a cautionary tale against such a step.
Walsh further argued that the persistent demands for Biden to step down overlooks the concerns about his age among his supporters. While this may hold true for some, it appears that many Democrats hesitate to openly discuss the President's age. Jon Stewart's humorous take during his Daily Show return drew criticism for equating age concerns with more significant matters like the threats posed by Trump's authoritarian tendencies. This suggests a belief among some Democrats that increasing media attention on Biden's age is distorting the issue.
However, it is not media attention alone that refocuses the public eye on Biden's age. It is palpably evident and needs to be handled properly by his campaign team.
While the health of democracy remains the most important concern, apprehensions related to Biden's age cannot be ignored. Several polls suggest that such concerns can impact his odds against Trump. This doesn't necessarily mean he should make way for another candidate, but it indicates the need for Biden's campaign to tactically address this issue rather than blaming media coverage.