The Surprising Benefits of Fidget Rings in Overcoming Dermatophagia

28 November 2023 2051
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As far back as I can recall, I have always had a habit of chewing or picking at something. During my childhood in the early 1970s, my mother attempted to discourage this habit, which was part of a category of compulsive behaviors known as body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRB) - not exactly common dinner table chat. One clever strategy my mother employed was promising me a cherished Barbie Dream House if I quit biting my nails. Who could resist such an offer?

Miraculously, I managed to grow out my nails enough to earn my splendid new doll house. Engaging with my dolls sufficiently distracted me from gnawing my nails. However, this blissful state was short-lived. I gifted my Dream House to a less fortunate classmate, my dolls returned to their box, and my nail-biting habit predictably resumed.

As the years passed, biting my nails gradually evolved into biting my cheeks, lips, and compulsively picking at acne, finally transitioning into my current habit of gnawing the skin near my nailbeds. All too often, I find myself mindlessly chewing at the plentiful cuticle and skin when I feel stressed or bored. This painful pastime quickly results in bloody, sore fingers and a flood of regret and self-reproach, emotions that I have been wrestling with for decades.

After a staggering 57 years, I finally received a diagnosis of ADHD. Remarkably, my BFRB began to improve only 57 years and three weeks after my diagnosis, and I credit this turnaround to my newfound discovery - fidget rings.

Whilst researching and trialing fidget toys tailored toward relieving ADHD symptoms, I stumbled upon fidget rings. Inquiring about their effectiveness with my cousin, who is well-versed with the neurodiversity world, she mentioned that her friends find them beneficial. Late as I was to this trend, I swiftly ordered several fidget rings, eager to ascertain whether they could live up to the hype.

I tested out various fidget ring designs to ascertain which ones held more appeal than my nail biting habit. Some of my favorite designs included a rotating ring on a stationary ring, interlocking rings that slid in and out of each other, and a chain of small beads gliding around a thin band.

Unable to choose only one, I opted to wear all three fidget rings daily. I alternate the rings between fingers, take them off to play with them like tiny toys. They also serve as creative tools for self-soothing, courtesy of the distinct sensory experiences they provide. All this while remaining within reach at all times.

I am astounded at how my chewing and biting habits reduced significantly after employing these rings. They symbolize comfort for me and serve as tactile reminders that I have other choices than hurting myself. They also promote a sense of self-worth and acceptance through their aesthetic appeal.

This transition to calmer fingertips has not been an easy journey. Powerful as the temptation is to bite an annoying bit of cuticle, I have been able to channel this urge into fiddling with my rings instead. Sometimes I will relapse into biting, but these instances are becoming rarer as I turn my attention towards my rings more often.

While the rings have been instrumental in reducing my habitual BFRB, incorporating stress-relieving habits such as meditation, regular exercise, ten-minute outdoor walks, and switching my perspective have brought me noticeable stress relief.

Reflecting upon my personal growth and improved self-understanding over the past few years, I'm amazed how managing my BFRB has been the most unexpected yet significant change I have experienced. It's difficult to believe that the solution to overcoming a lifetime of biting, picking, and resultant guilt boiled down to three simple sterling silver rings.

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