AI as an Assistant for Executive Functionality: ChatGPT's Role in ADHD Support

01 August 2023 3652
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#ADHD social circles are abuzz about the virtual wonders of ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence-driven tool that promises to assist with organization, prioritization, time management, and other tasks made more challenging by weak executive function. Many say the chatbot has been a game-changer in their day-to-day lives.

A few caveats: the widely available version of ChatGPT does not search the Internet to answer a question. It generates a response based on pre-programmed information with a knowledge cutoff of September 2021, meaning it is not always accurate or up to date. Checking critical information with other sources is a must.

Here are ways that some people with ADHD are using the technology.

As a task manager: Ask ChatGPT to organize and prioritize your to-do list, break tasks into smaller steps, and give you a time estimate for each step. ChatGPT can also suggest approaches to improve productivity and manage your time.

As a memory aid: ChatGPT automatically logs and labels past conversations so you can refer back to them. In effect, these become your notes.

For a job search: Prompt ChatGPT with a job description and it can create a cover letter and help make your résumé stand out.

At work: Ask ChatGPT to create a meeting agenda or a template for an agenda. It can also help you make short work of email backlogs; copy and paste an email you received, specify the purpose of your response, and it can generate a professional reply. It can also stand in as an editor; enter a paragraph from a document you’ve written and ask the chatbot to improve it.

At school: Some college students said the chatbot improved their understanding of a subject because it simplified concepts or summarized information. One person said they now study with two screens: one with textbook information and the other with ChatGPT translations. They copy and paste homework or textbook information into the chatbot and ask: “What does my professor want me to do or learn? What concepts am I being asked to apply? Explain the question/concept to me.”

In finance: Plug in your monthly expenses, your income, and your financial goals, and the chatbot will create a budget that you can regularly review and adjust. If you believe you overspend in one category, for example, it can suggest ways to modify your spending patterns. A budget can be as detailed as you like, taking into account short- and long-term goals like paying off debt, saving for a house down payment, and so on.

In the kitchen: Tell ChatGPT you have certain ingredients on hand and ask it to suggest recipes for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Vegan? Gluten-free? No problem. It will respond with recipe ideas and instructions. Have trouble with the planning part of meals? Tell ChatGPT how many mouths you need to feed for how many days, and it can generate a meal plan complete with a shopping list. Bon appétit!

Carole Fleck is the Editor-in-Chief at ADDitude.

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