Ways to Assist a Child with ADHD Beat Boredom During Summer

14 May 2023 1735
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School is out and summer is here – but for kids with ADHD, this can present a challenge. With fewer structured activities, there's a greater risk of boredom setting in. Luckily, ADDitude readers have plenty of ideas for how to keep boredom at bay:

One parent created a chart grouping activities into five types of play, and encourages their child to mix it up. If they start with something electronic, their next activity should be physical or with a friend.

Another parent acknowledges the value of boredom, but finds ways to set their child up for success with routines, timers, encouragement, and patience.

When a child says they're bored, one parent asks a series of questions to help them identify what they want to do. Would they like to do something alone or with someone? Inside or outside?

Provide access to materials like craft supplies, LEGOs, shovels, and baking ingredients. And don't be afraid to assign chores – it's a great way to keep kids busy and teach them the value of hard work.

Finally, pause before jumping in to rescue your child from boredom. Boredom can be a catalyst for creativity and problem-solving, and teaching kids to generate their own ideas is an important life skill.

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