Practice These Essential Yoga Poses for Beginners

21 June 2023 972
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Many yoga beginners are eager to try out the difficult poses they see on social media, such as inversions and arm balances. However, these postures require significant strength and balance training. Ashley Rideaux, a YogaWorks-certified teacher trainer in Los Angeles, advises newbies to focus on basic sitting and standing postures. Standing poses, in particular, build strength in the larger muscles of the body and are accessible to many body types, which can boost confidence levels. Moreover, these postures help practitioners develop proprioception, or a sense of where their body is in space without the aid of mirrors.

Rideaux also emphasizes the usefulness of props, which can help yogis maintain proper alignment and prevent injury. Additionally, working on alignment can make some poses more challenging once the proper alignment is found. However, yoga is a lifelong practice, and learning the body and becoming fluent in new poses takes time.

To start building strength, flexibility, and confidence, Rideaux recommends trying out some beginner yoga poses, such as those demonstrated by Lindsay Monal, R.Y.T. at YogaRenew Teacher Training. One such pose is the tree pose, which strengthens the ankles, feet, thighs, calves, abs, and spine. Another pose is the downward dog, which strengthens the arms, core, and glutes, while stretching the calves and hamstrings.

Another beginner posture involves holding a warrior II position, which helps loosen up the hips, calves, and shoulders, while also strengthening the shoulders, quads, and hamstrings. Lastly, hinging at the hips and reaching towards the ceiling in a forward fold pose strengthens the ankles, legs, and core, while stretching the obliques, shoulders, and hamstrings.

Stand with feet about 3 feet apart, left foot turned out to 90 degrees, right foot to roughly 45 degrees.

Extend arms out to sides, then hinge at hips to lower torso to left leg.

Allow left hand to touch the floor or rest on left leg below or above the knee, and extend the fingertips of right hand toward the ceiling. Turn gaze toward the ceiling.

Hold for 5 full breaths. Switch sides; repeat.

This yoga pose for beginners and beyond is ideal for loosening up the hip flexors, chest, and quads.

Stand at the top of the mat with feet together and arms at sides, hands resting on hips.

Step right foot back until right leg is fully extended, keeping right heel lifted off the floor. Bend left knee slightly and keep it directly over left ankle.

Lift arms above head and extend toward the ceiling, pull shoulders down and away from ears, and gaze forward.

Hold for 5 full breaths. Switch sides; repeat.

After a long day parked at your desk, try this yoga pose for beginners to counteract hours of being sedentary. Bridge pose builds strength in the core, hips, quads, calves, and ankles and stretches the chest and shoulders, says Monal.

Lie faceup on the floor with knees bent and directly over heels. Place arms at sides, palms down.

Exhale, then press feet into the floor to lift hips slightly.

Clasp hands under lower back and press arms down, further lifting hips until body forms a straight line from head to knees, and bring chest toward chin.

Hold for 5 full breaths.

Modify this yoga pose for beginners: Place a yoga block underneath the sacrum for additional support.

This seated yoga posture will help you ease into your day by giving you a feel-good stretch throughout your spine, shoulders, and neck, says Monal.

Sit tall in a cross-legged position with shoulders in line with hips, hands resting on knees or thighs, and gaze forward. Draw shoulders down and away from ears.

Raise both arms up toward the ceiling above head, then twist to the left, moving from abdomen. Place right hand on left knee and left fingertips on the floor a few inches behind butt.

Hold for 5 full breaths. Switch sides; repeat.

Modify this yoga pose for beginners: Keep bottom leg straight and place both hands on raised knee. If lower back rounds forward, sit on a folded blanket to elevate hips.

Looking to open up the chest, shoulders, abs, and neck? Add this beginner yoga pose to your daily practice.

Lie facedown on the floor with thumbs directly under shoulders, legs extended, with the tops of feet on the floor.

Tighten pelvic floor and tuck hips downward while squeezing glutes. Press shoulders down and away from ears.

Lighten pressure in palms, inhale, and lift chest a few inches off the mat, raising only as high as possible without pressing into hands.

Relax, exhale, and repeat for 5 full breaths.

Ideal for stretching the spine, shoulders, ankles, hips, and neck, this yoga pose for beginners also helps to release tension, stress, and anxiety, says Monal.

Start in a table-top position with hands directly under shoulders, knees under hips.

Keeping palms on the floor and arms extended, sink butt back to heels and bring forehead to rest on the mat.

Lower chest as close to knees as is comfortable.

Hold for 5 full breaths.

Modify this yoga pose for beginners: Place a block under head or a rolled blanket behind knees.

This gentle yoga posture helps strengthen the back while opening up the hips, knees, ankles, and thighs, says Monal.

Sit tall in a cross-legged position with shoulders in line with hips, hands resting on knees or thighs, and gaze forward. Draw shoulders down and away from ears.

Hold for 5 full breaths.

Modify this yoga pose for beginners: Place a prop, such as a blanket or bolster, under butt so knees are level or slightly lower than hips.

Along with stretching the chest and shoulders, this beginner yoga pose helps lengthen the spine while strengthening the back muscles, says Monal.

Sit with legs extended forward, big toes touching one another, shoulders in line with hips, and torso lengthened. Plant palms next to hips, straighten arms, and draw shoulders down and away from ears.

Engage thighs and flex feet, drawing toes toward face, while raising both arms toward the ceiling above head.

Hold for 5 full breaths.

Modify this yoga pose for beginners: Place a prop, such as a blanket or block, under butt, so hips are slightly elevated.

This yoga pose for beginners may not loosen up your tight muscles, but it does calm the nervous system, relax the body, and refocuses the mind, says Monal.

Lie on back with legs extended, arms out to sides, palms facing the ceiling, and head centered.

Breathe and stay in this pose for 5 minutes.

Add this posture to your routine, and you'll give your upper back, shoulders, chest, arms, and neck the stretch they need after hunching over your laptop all day, says Monal.

A. Start in a table-top position, with palms directly under shoulders, knees under hips, and tops of feet on the floor.

B. Raise right arm up toward the ceiling, gaze following with it. Pause, then lower right arm back down and underneath left arm until fully extended.

C. Lower chest as close to the floor as is comfortable, keeping hips high.

Hold for 5 full breaths. Switch sides; repeat.