Castor Oil Provides Some Eye Health Benefits but Does Not Improve Vision.

23 June 2023 949
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Is it true that using castor oil in your eyes can improve vision and treat eye conditions? Well, a recent TikTok suggests so, but experts advise not to trust everything you see on social media.

The TikTok user claimed to have used castor oil for 14 days and showed herself rubbing it on her eyelids, eyelashes, and under-eye area. She said that castor oil can reduce inflammation and improve blood flow to the eyes. She also claimed that it had improved her vision and reduced her dependence on glasses.

The trend has since caught on, with the hashtag #castoroilforeyesight receiving over three million views on TikTok. Other videos suggest that castor oil can treat eye floaters and glaucoma as well.

But according to experts, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. While castor oil can relieve dry eyes and constipation, which are common uses, there is no research that proves it can improve vision or reverse cataracts. The natural antioxidant properties in castor oil may help prevent the progression of cataracts, but not reverse them.

Castor oil may, however, have benefits for eye health in other ways. It can be used to treat dry eye and blepharitis, a type of eye inflammation. Castor oil is naturally anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial and can improve the stability of the tear film by reducing evaporation. This can help keep the eyes moisturized and reduce symptoms of dry eye and blepharitis.

A recent study showed that using a 100% cold-pressed castor oil formulation on the base of one eyelid twice a day for four weeks improved blepharitis-related symptoms. This suggests that castor oil may be a potential treatment for blepharitis and could promote healthier eyelashes as well.

Castor oil is generally safe to use around the eyes if the right kind is used. It is important to use a purified, sterile form of castor oil that is hexane-free and not formulated for the eyes inside the eyes. Castor oil should not be used near the eyes when wearing contact lenses, as it can leave a film on them.

In conclusion, while castor oil may not be a miracle cure for vision and eye conditions, it may offer some benefits for eye health, particularly for dry eye and blepharitis. As always, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional before using any products near your eyes.

And though castor oil is largely tolerable, according to Massaro-Giordano, some people may have an allergic reaction to the ingredient, or they may just not like the feel of it near their eyes. “Some people just can’t tolerate it,” she said.

If you’re interested in using castor oil for anything that it might help alleviate—like dry eye or blepharitis—the best route is to talk to an eye doctor before testing it out. They may have more specific recommendations on how to use castor oil or which type to buy, or they may suggest another treatment entirely.