Tips for Discussing Your Child's ADHD with a Teacher

22 August 2023 2803
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If he applied himself, he’d be at the top of his class.”

“She will lose recess until she learns to listen in class.”

Parents get frustrated or angry, understandably, when teachers make comments like these about their child. Most teachers mean well, believing they’re sharing important observations and interventions. But because few teachers have received specific training in ADHD and executive function skill development, these remarks seldom improve the situation. So how should parents respond?

Instead, teach them about the social and emotional impact of ADHD, and how the condition’s executive functioning challenges affect learning, motivation, and behavior.

Provide the teacher with resources and information about ADHD, such as articles or books, to help them better understand your child’s needs. (Why not encourage your child’s teachers to sign up for ADDitude’s ADHD Learning Series for Educators?)

You might say: “Mrs. Smith, I understand that it can be frustrating when Sammy does not follow directions and disrupts class. We have learned that, sometimes, children who have ADHD have a harder time staying focused and managing their frustration. May I share some of what I have learned with you?”

Another conversation might go like this: “Mr. Johnson, you might think Sara is not trying, but I assure you she is. Sometimes the instruction and the work go faster than she can manage — and she shuts down. This seems to be common with children who have ADHD.”

I have found that teachers are grateful for any new strategies to help their students. Let’s not forget: Teaching a class full of students is hard work. Just as parents do, teachers want to help their students succeed.

Cindy Goldrich, Ed.M, ADHD-CCSP, is a mental health counselor and teacher trainer.

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