Dermatologists' Guide to Spring Cleaning Your Skin

The arrival of spring signifies a time of renewal. It's also a time when you should give some extra attention to your skin. Dermatologists recommend several springtime solutions to transform your skin from dry and lifeless to vibrant and healthy. Completing a few of these will leave you feeling like the best and most confident version of yourself this season.
NaturaPeel Laser Detox
According to Dr. Janet Allenby, a dermatologist based in Delray Beach, FL, the best in-office treatment for spring is the NaturaPeel. This is a bamboo carbon laser treatment that detoxifies the skin, leaving it smooth and glowing. It typically takes about half an hour to complete, with no downtime required.
Gentle in-office exfoliating treatments
Dr. Jennifer Segal, a New York-based dermatologist, suggests gentle exfoliating treatments, such as the DiamondGlow or Hydrafacial, in preparation for the social exchanges common in spring. These treatments promote an even skin tone and boost the skin's radiance and texture.
Nonablative laser treatments
Dermatologists from Washington, D.C. (Dr. Tina Alster) and Santa Monica, CA (Dr. Ava Shamban) both recommend nonablative laser treatments like Fraxel. These treatments are ideal for reducing pigmentation and improving skin texture before the summer season.
Hydrating injectables
Dr. Allenby promotes Juvederm Skinvive as the best injectable treatment for spring. She finds it particularly useful for restoring a soft, glowing texture to dry, crinkled skin, especially around the mouth area where fine lines tend to form.
Add antioxidants and retinoic acid into your skin-care routine
Incorporating retinoic acid and topical antioxidants like vitamin C into your skincare routine offers several benefits. According to Dr. Alster, they perform essential roles, such as brightening the skin and inducing neocollagenesis. Dr. Shamban recommends applying antioxidant serums regularly as a crucial maintenance measure.
Dr. Jody A. Levine, a dermatologist based in New York, suggests using an antioxidant-rich cleanser with green tea for nightly cleansing. She explains that the increased exposure to oxidative damage requires the skin to have more robust protection against free radicals.
The Miradry treatment is for individuals who struggle with excessive sweating, particularly during the summer. Dr. Levine explains that the treatment reduces or eliminates underarm sweat in just one or two sessions.
Consider switching to products without hydroquinone
Dr. Allenby often recommends her patients use non-hydroquinone skin lighteners. These products are less likely to cause irritation, particularly with increased sun exposure. She recommends Alastin A-Luminate Brightening Serum or Cyspera.
Skin tightening
Dr. Shamban enjoys performing skin tightening procedures on patients during the spring, typically using either Fotona or Sofwave.
Laser hair removal
For those wanting to get rid of unwanted body hair, Dr. Levine suggests considering laser hair removal. By the time summer arrives, your skin will be smooth and hair-free.
Dr. Segal encourages the adoption of simple and gentle skincare routines during the spring. She explains that changes in the season can make the skin more sensitive and prone to dryness and breakouts.
Neuromodulators and fillers
Dr. Alster suggests considering neurotoxins or fillers for a spring skin reset. These treatments are beneficial for reducing movement-associated and volume-loss wrinkling.
Laser or sclerotherapy for blood vessels
Dr. Levine recommends either laser or sclerotherapy treatments for removing unsightly blood vessels on the legs. This will increase your confidence when wearing summer attire that shows off your legs.
Step up your sunscreen game
Both Dr. Alster and Dr. Levine agree on the importance of daily sunscreen application, particularly as the days grow brighter and warmer. Dr. Levine notes that sunscreen application often gets neglected during colder weather, so make sure to maintain the habit even during the cooler spring days.
“SPF in makeup is not good enough for summer. If you already use a daily moisturizer with sunblock, make sure the one you are using in the summer has a physical blocker, not just a chemical blocker,” says Dr. Levine. “Perhaps switch to a tinted daily moisturizer with sunblock as people like to add a little color to their skin in the summer, and this can obviate the need to tan.”
Body sculpting
“For spring, body contouring is important to prepare for summer clothes,” says Dr. Shamban. “Body treatments with low downtime such as Coolsculpting are great to do in the spring to get ready for summer,” says Dr. Segal.
Dr. Levine recommends Emsculpt. It helps build up the abdominal and gluteal muscles so you feel even more confident. “Emsculpt, Ultimate contour and Emtone for skin tightening are three basic modalities that we use to address muscle, fat and skin,” says Shamban.
CO2 Lift Mask
Dr. Shamban recommends adding the CO2 Lift Mask ($93) to your skin-care routine. “It will give your skin a nice glow,” she says. It also addresses puffiness, wrinkles, dark circles, pore size, skin tightness and more.
Exfoliating this season will help shed the dead skin from the winter months so you can start anew in the summer. Dr. Levine recommends doing glycolic peels twice a month, especially if you’re breaking out. She also recommends using an alpha-beta scrub once a week.
BBL Photofacial or Picosure
Dr. Levine says a BBL Photofacial or Picosure treatment are great ways to brighten your complexion ahead of the summer.
Spruce up your makeup bag
“Now is a good time to clean or change makeup brushes,” says Dr. Levine. “People often forget to do this, and spring cleaning is a good reminder.” Dr. Shamban suggests also cleaning out old skin-care products that have been hanging around for too long.
Local liposuction or laser fat reduction
If you want to eliminate some stubborn pockets of fat that seemingly won’t respond to exercise and diet changes, Dr. Levine recommends considering local liposuction or laser-fat reduction.