Study Reveals High Costs of Follow-Up Breast Cancer Imaging Discourage People from Seeking Care

28 April 2023 2032
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Approximately 21% of patients would opt out of follow-up breast imaging after an abnormal mammogram if they had to pay a deductible, according to new research published in Radiology. The study, which surveyed 700 participants, aimed to uncover how cost acts as a barrier for breast cancer screenings and diagnoses. Experts have noted that health care decisions are influenced by the cost a patient must pay out of pocket. Karen Kuntz, Professor of Health Policy and Management at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, warns that a high percentage of patients missing breast cancer imaging will increase disparities in breast cancer outcomes, especially among those who are less-educated, have a lower income, are not white, and have Medicaid or no insurance. Some 18% of participants stated they would skip initial screening mammography, while approximately 66% said they would not.

“While 80% [of abnormal mammograms] are not breast cancer, 20% are,” Dr. Bevers told Health. “Where do the two intersect? How many of the 20% of breast cancers are going to be in that one of five women who elect to not get the further workup? And so then things progress, and she’s ultimately diagnosed at a more advanced stage.”

This is precisely what healthcare providers are trying to avoid, Sinaiko explained.

“Cancer outcomes are a lot better the earlier it is detected,” she said. “We want patients to go for their mammograms to be screened so that we can catch the disease as early as possible, then it just leads to better survival and quality of life.”

The findings are also concerning because they raise the question of whether skipping care is common practice even after people get diagnosed with breast cancer, said Sarah Tevis, MD, assistant professor of surgery at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

“If it’s such a barrier that they can’t even get [screened] to get diagnosed, are they going to be able to afford to follow through with the treatment recommendations that we provide?” she told Health.

Though it’s important for people to commit to additional breast cancer imaging if necessary, it can be hard to quantify the cost. For one, the cost often depends on the type of imaging a provider orders, the experts said.

“They could maybe just need a diagnostic mammogram that reassures the radiologist that there’s nothing concerning going on,” Dr. Tevis said. “Or they could need a mammogram and an ultrasound and a biopsy and an MRI.”

If more intensive exams are required, she explained, that’s where the costs could become quite significant.

What the patient themselves is responsible for paying also depends on if they have health insurance, and the type that they have.

If the additional breast imaging falls under someone’s deductible, Sinaiko explained, they will have to pay the full cost. It may be less expensive if a person has a copay or coinsurance, where they’ll pay a flat fee or a percentage of the cost, respectively.

In addition to the cost of the care itself, patients may be discouraged from going to their follow-up if they have to find childcare, travel long distances, or take time off work, Dr. Tevis added.

“As you start to think about the different financial barriers to getting that further workup, you can see why some women may find that prohibitive,” Dr. Tevis said. “I’ve seen women who don’t have insurance and who can’t afford their screening exams who have come in with a breast cancer diagnosis that probably would have been picked up on a screening mammogram.”

Lowering costs may be a matter of simply redefining what is considered a preventative screening test versus a diagnostic test. If follow-up appointments were considered the former rather than the latter, public and private insurance would likely cover them.

“The intent of the screening mammogram is early detection,” Dr. Bevers said. “Just getting the screening mammogram isn’t enough. You’ve got to complete the workup. And so the workup really is part of the screening.”

Covering preventative care is also to the benefit of groups such as insurance companies and employers, Sinaiko added, since it increases the odds that someone will need less aggressive care down the road if their cancer is caught early.

But for now, experts agree that people should make a plan for what they should do if they were to need a follow-up breast exam. They can call and ask their insurance provider to spell out what exactly is covered, Kuntz said, and they may want to consider shopping around to see if they can find better coverage for these follow-up tests, Sinaiko added. Healthcare facilities may also have financial counselors or other resources that people can take advantage of, Dr. Tevis said.

Beyond the individual level, however, real change in the costs associated with follow-up breast imaging may need to come from a higher level. This could include everything from legislative pressures on insurance companies, to raising awareness of the importance of attending these types of appointments, experts agree.

Covering that initial screening mammography is a huge step in the right direction, but patients need to be in a position where they can actually determine whether they have breast cancer.

“People are becoming more and more aware that, ‘Oh, this is great that we’re covering the screening tests, but we have to cover all of the follow-up tests as well,’” Kuntz said. “Otherwise, there’s no effectiveness—[there’s] no upside to doing that first test if you can’t do the follow-up.”