Experts Share 5 Valuable Tips for Visiting Farmer's Markets

Farmer's markets are a great way to snag ultra-fresh produce, support local businesses, and of course, snap some gorgeous Instagram photos. As summer shines on, it's entirely likely there's a farmer's market near you. If you're new to this type of open-air food shopping (or even if you've been patronizing farmer's markets for a while) there's always more you can get out of the experience. Besides choosing new and unique fruits, veggies, meats, and dairy products that perpetually turnip — er, turn up — at these markets, you can also dig a little deeper to make the freshest, healthiest food choices.
SHAPE spoke with dietitian-farmers for their top tips on making the most of your local farmer's market during the bounty of summer and all year-'round.
Shopping at a farmer's market can be a major win for your health. 'When fruits are harvested at maturity, they contain more nutrients than if they are picked green, which is usually the case in conventional agriculture, where produce must travel up to two weeks before it gets to your kitchen,' says plant-based dietitian Sharon Palmer, MSFS (Master of Science in Sustainable Food Systems), RDN, author of The Plant-Powered Plan to Beat Diabetes. Farmer's market fruits and veggies, on the other hand, have usually traveled from somewhere close by, helping them retain nutrients, flavor, color, and aroma.
Investing your money in your local economy and reducing environmental impact are among the other benefits of shopping a market. 'You can support your local farmers, reduce packaging of foods, increase the biodiversity of your diet, and reduce the miles food travels by supporting farmers markets,' says Palmer. You might even find that a farmer's market exposes you to delicious foods you've never tried before.
Stick to these five best practices when shopping your local market.
A little preparation goes a long way toward enhancing your farmer's market experience. Instead of showing up without a plan, give some thought to the outline of your visit, including how long you want to stay. 'The farmer's market may be overwhelming on your first visit. There can be so many vendors and so many different products that you may not have heard of,' says Amanda Terillo, MS, RD, of Olive Branch Gardens Farm in Virginia. 'So try not to go when you are pressed for time! You want to be able to go when you are free to leisurely walk around and speak to the vendors without feeling rushed.'
Prior to leaving the house, check out your local market's operating hours and the vendors featured. (This way you won't show up to a vegan market expecting to purchase half a cow.) And don't forget to pack your own shopping bags, a shopping list, and some cash in case some vendors are cash only.
The whole point of shopping at a farmer's market is to get fresh, seasonal produce, right? That's why Palmer encourages folks to 'go with the seasons.' 'Let the farmer's market remind you to favor what is in season and enjoy those foods when they are available,' she says. 'For example, stone fruit, melons, and tomatoes are seasonal only in the summer — so go crazy with these foods when they are only available for such a short period.'
If out-of-season foods are available (like Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and winter squash offered in the summer), mentally bookmark them for another time of year. (Not sure what's in season near you? Check out the Seasonal Food Guide, a resource that lists produce by location, season, and type.)
From there, your next step is choosing the freshest produce at the market. Palmer has tips for that, too. 'Look for produce that is ripe, aromatic, and inviting. Ask your farmer to help you select produce for your needs.' There's no need to be too picky about perfection, either. Remember, these fruits and veggies came right from the farm, instead of getting a glow-up treatment at a big-box retailer. That's a good thing! Selecting 'ugly' produce might actually yield extra nutrition. 'Those naturally occurring scabs and imperfections in fruit and vegetables are signs that they contain higher levels of antioxidant compounds,' explains Palmer.
If you want to get close to the source of your foods, who better to chat with than the farmers who grew it? Unlike at a grocery store, where employees may have no idea of the origins of foods they sell, at markets, the folks who grew the food are often the ones behind the booth.
Engaging in a conversation with a farmer or farm representative can inform you about how a food was grown, how to select the best one, or even how to cook it. 'Have a list of questions that you want to ask,' suggests Terillo. Some examples include:
And here's an accurate deep-cut tip: under certain circumstances, you can even ask for a discount. 'If you are shopping for many people, or want an item that stores well, such as winter squash, ask for bulk sales. Many vendors will sell bulk quantities at a lower price for items that they had a very large harvest of,' says Terillo.
Think of a farmer's market as your foodie playground. It's a low-stakes way to get out of your comfort zone and enjoy some culinary adventure. Sometimes you can even dip a toe (or, more accurately, a fork) into uncharted territory by sampling unfamiliar foods.
'Many farmers markets offer samples, which is a great way to try new produce (especially for kids, bring them along!),' says Palmer. 'Try something different, such as passion fruit, kohlrabi, or sunchockes! It'll increase the diversity of your diet.' And again, if you're wondering how the heck to cook that funky purple squash or fruit that looks like a sea urchin, pipe up and ask the farmer. They'll probably be delighted to share favorite recipes and cooking methods.
The last thing you want after spending your cash on high-quality produce is to see it go bad. But since many farmer's market vendors use few (or zero) chemical preservatives, farm-fresh produce can be quite short-lived. To avoid food waste, start by purchasing a realistic amount. 'It can be easy to buy more than you can use because it looks so luscious. But make sure to only purchase what you can use before it spoils,' advises Palmer. Terillo also recommends keeping a cooler and airtight container in your car so you can keep produce out of the heat and un-squished on the drive home.
Once home, get familiar with which foods have faster rates of spoilage and try to use them first. According to Palmer, berries, tomatoes, and leafy greens may only last a couple of days after purchase — so consider how you might quickly meal plan them into tasty salads, soups, sandwiches, or sides. You can also prep fruits and veggies right away for quick usage. 'Having vegetables ready to be used makes it much more likely they will not go bad,' says Terillo.
You might not be able to get absolutely all the produce you need at your local farmer's market, but it's an excellent place to start your weekly shopping. The pros of choosing the market as your first stop — like supporting sustainable agriculture, trying new foods, and stocking up on healthy ingredients — make it worthwhile. Rain or shine, you can embrace the farmer's market experience, returning home with not just produce galore, but budding relationships with the folks who do the work of growing it.