Beginner's Guide to Strength Training

26 December 2023 2137
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Strength training workouts are generally recommended, but if you prefer cardio-based activities like running or spinning, you may have dismissed them. However, it's important to note the extensive benefits of strength training, such as increasing muscle endurance and reducing the risk of injury.

Here's an introduction to strength training, including essential exercises you can add to your routine.

When strength training is mentioned, most people think of weightlifting. But there are more ways to build muscle strength than lifting weights. Other methods include using bodyweight, resistance bands, cable resistance machines, not to mention weight machines and free weights.

Joel Freeman, the mind behind the LIIFT4 program and acclaimed Beachbody Super Trainer, advises starting with lighter weights and then gradually adding more. He suggests selecting a weight that allows for ten reps, and by the eighth rep, you should be relieved it is nearly finished. This strategy ensures your muscles are being adequately challenged to encourage growth and improved strength. Additionally, investing in proper footwear can enhance balance and stability during strength training.

As Freeman points out, "Basic strength training is critical for building a solid muscular base. Bones provide the structure of your body, but muscles are what enable you to move." While beginning weight training can seem daunting, doing it correctly can build the strength you need to do the things you love.

Ready to get started? The following beginner-friendly strength training workout is a great place to start.

An optimal beginner's weight lifting regimen should ideally comprise eight to ten exercises targeting the major muscle groups. This complete-body routine exactly fits this bill - it can be performed a few times a week to maintain and enhance total-body strength. The recommendation is to do two sets of each exercise, with 10 to 15 repetitions and repeat two or three times a week.

Required equipment: Two sets of dumbbells (3 to 5 pounds and 8 to 12 pounds) or a set of resistance bands.

Exercises target: chest, shoulders, triceps.

A. Lie on a bench, keep your elbows bent 90 degrees to the sides.

B. Extend arms upwards and then bring back down. Maintain weights centred over the mid-chest.

Chest presses are supreme when it comes to building the large upper-body chest muscles, says Freeman. "It's a compound movement, meaning that it engages the anterior deltoids [the front of your shoulders] and triceps throughout the movement."

Exercises target: upper back

A. Stand hip-width apart, place one hand on the bench with the opposite arm holding the weight under the shoulder.

B. Align elbow with ribs and lower. Maintain a flat back and stand with a 45-degree bend at the hips.

According to Freeman, a single-arm dumbbell row is a compound upper-body movement that targets your upper back, lats, and traps, with biceps and shoulders lending support. Standing upright also adds an extra core workout into the mix. Ensuring a slow and steady pace with zero momentum or swinging leads to muscular gains.

Exercises target: biceps

A. Stand with arms extended in front of thighs and one dumbbell in each hand, palms forward.

B. Gradually curl weights towards shoulders, then lower to starting position.

"This is the best isolation exercise for your biceps," says Freeman. The key here is to eliminate all momentum and refrain from swinging the dumbbell upwards. "Keep elbows pinned at your sides and lift the dumbbell entirely with your biceps," he advises.

Exercises target: triceps

A. Stand with legs at hip-width distance.

B. Lean forward from the waist, with elbows bent 90 degrees at your side.

C. Extend arms and return to the 90-degree bend.

"The triceps extension is an excellent isolation move in which you won't need a lot of weight to feel the burn," Freeman explains. Similar to the biceps curl, think of your elbow as a hinge pinned at your side. "The only movement should be the elbow straightening your arm, squeezing your triceps at the top and return.'

Exercises target: shoulders

A. Stand with arms down by sides, palms facing in.

B. Raise straight arms (with pinky leading the way) to shoulder height so that your arms are in a T shape.

Why you should do it: 'Well-built lateral delts [the sides of your shoulders] are what give you that nice rounded shoulder look, and the lateral raise is the best exercise to isolate this muscle,' says Freeman. 'Just like any isolation move, it's all about control to execute this move properly.'

Muscles worked: legs, butt

A. Stand feet a bit wider than hips-distance apart, toes turned slightly out.

B. Keeping weight in the mid-foot and heels (not the toes), sit back and down. Keep knees in line with toes and focus on keeping chest lifted.

C. Lower until thighs are parallel to the floor, if possible. Return to the starting position.

Why you should do it: 'Squats have become the more popular of all lower-body exercises, especially if you're looking to grow your glutes,' says Freeman. But keep in mind: 'Safety is a must in this exercise to avoid injury, specifically to the lower back area. If you're newer or returning to exercise, it's often best to start with body weight only and focus completely on flexibility and proper form. If you can't go that low without dropping your chest forward, keep working on your flexibility.' Once your form is on point, you can start to add weight. (Make sure you know how to do squats correctly before trying out this strength training workout for beginners.)

Muscles worked: legs, butt

A. Stand with feet together and a dumbbell in each hand by sides.

B. Step forward with the right foot, lowering until both knees form 90-degree angles and the back knee is hovering off the ground.

C. Push off the front heel to step back and return to the starting position.

D. Repeat on the other side.

Why you should do it: 'Also great for the legs and booty, lunges can also wreak havoc on your knees if done incorrectly,' says Freeman. 'This is a challenging move and can easily be felt using only body weight.'

Muscles worked: abs

A. Lie faceup on the floor.

B. Bend opposite elbow to knee, then switch sides.

Why you should do it: 'Bicycle twists are great to engage multiple areas of your core, especially the obliques,' says Freeman. 'The main error that many people make with this core exercise is pulling on your neck. To avoid this, try placing your fingertips right behind your temples and keep your elbows open, instead of closing them in towards your head.' If you do feel any neck strain, it means you're trying to lift higher than your core has the strength to and you're compensating in your neck. 'Lower your range (meaning: don't try to lift as high off the ground) and slow down your twists instead,' says Freeman. 'You'll still feel it!'

Muscles worked: lower back, butt

A. Lie facedown on the floor and lift opposite arm and leg (i.e. right arm and left leg).

B. Switch sides. Keep your gaze down to the floor to maintain proper postural alignment.

Why you should do it: 'This is a wonderful lower-back exercise, which is a must to help prevent lower-back injuries,' says Freeman. When set up on your stomach, think about planting your toes into the floor and not letting them come off the ground at any time. This will also help you engage more glutes as well. When lifting your chest off the floor, you really don't have to lift very high. Just focus on squeezing your booty as you lift, and you'll also be engaging the lower-back muscles.