The Right to ADHD Stimulant Medication: Addressing the Adderall Shortage

20 February 2024 2451
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Join the growing numbers of individuals with ADHD advocating for a resolution to the ADHD medication shortage. Utilize the provided templates to respond to these calls to action:

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is inviting public commentary to comprehend how the absence of competition and contractual practices by the two primary pharmaceutical middlemen groups, namely group purchasing organizations (GPOs) and drug wholesalers, might be causing drug shortages.

They are inviting public views on an array of subjects related to this issue, including the influence and extent of the lack of competition among these pharmaceutical middlemen groups on different stakeholders such as patients, hospitals, healthcare providers including small ones and rural hospitals, pharmacies, generic manufacturers, and other suppliers.

Submit your feedback by April 15, 2024.

Dear Representative,

Profound healthcare disruptions and adverse effects have been felt by numerous American caregivers and patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) since the first report by the Federal Drug Administration regarding a shortage of Adderall, the ADHD treatment drug, back in October 2022.

Despite federal agency intervention being sought by patient advocates and lawmakers to address the nationwide Adderall shortage, the health and wellbeing of millions continue to be affected. The shortfall has spilled over to other ADHD drugs like methylphenidate, lisdexamfetamine dimesylate, and more.

Research has shown stimulant medications, being the first-line treatment for ADHD, play a crucial role in improving the health outcomes of patients with ADHD, a condition affecting all aspects of life.

This medication shortage has brought about significant hardship to people already dealing with this heavily stigmatized condition. The shortage has resulted in a decrease in academic performance and increase in emotional and behavioral problems in children, with potential lifetime repercussions.

Preliminary causes for this shortage remain elusive, with blame being passed around among the DEA, FDA, and drug manufacturers. A general feeling among many caregivers and patients with ADHD is that the perceived lack of importance given to ADHD as reflected in the lack of transparency and effort by the FDA and DEA is the real issue.

I beseech you to work towards identifying measures that can be implemented by policymakers and relevant agencies to resolve this shortage. I offer my support for any legislative propositions towards this end.

I am grateful for your immediate concern and focus on this urgent situation. The life quality of millions of Americans hinges on your prompt actions.

Dear Administrator Milgram,

The unprecedented difficulties and adverse outcomes due to healthcare disruptions faced by millions of American caregivers and patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) began since the Federal Drug Administration's first report of the Adderall shortage in October 2022.

Despite appeals to federal authorities by patient advocates and lawmakers, the shortage persists, affecting the health and well-being of millions. The shortfall is now affecting other ADHD medications such as methylphenidate and lisdexamfetamine dimesylate.

ADHD affects all areas of life and is a neurodevelopmental disorder. According to research, stimulants, the first-line treatment for ADHD, are safe, effective, and crucial in enhancing the health of those with ADHD.

The scarcity of certain medications has presented significant challenges for individuals grappling with a heavily prejudiced condition. Some patients and caregivers are forced to spend hours each month making phone calls and traveling to pharmacies capable of fulfilling their prescriptions. In a bid to address the scarcity, health providers have had to resort to alternative medications that are accessible but less effective. Tragically, some desperate patients are risking their lives by purchasing fake drugs from the black market and resorting to illicit substances for self-medication.

The difficulty in accessing prescribed ADHD medicines has resulted in loss of jobs for patients, hindered their day-to-day activities, and diminished their capability to sufficiently care for their children, many of whom also suffer from ADHD. Lower academic performance and heightened behavioral and emotional issues in children have been notable consequences of the shortage. These children could potentially face the impacts their entire lives.

For patients fortunate enough to get their ADHD medicines, the challenge now lies in the increasing medication prices, that are rising at a rate faster than inflation. In certain instances, stimulant medication prices have almost doubled or even tripled ever since the onset of the shortage, thereby crippling the treatment for numerous patients.

In August 2023, your agency, together with the FDA, released a joint declaration detailing measures to counter the shortage. Americans suffering from ADHD were reassured by the statement that depicted your agency's serious commitment towards ADHD treatment. However, the lack of subsequent action and transparency by your agency indicates the contrary.

I am aware that the DEA lacks the power to demand a manufacturer to initiate or modify their drug production. However, I also understand that the agency carries the mandate, the duty, and the potential to adjust production quotas and navigate us towards resolving these significant drug shortages. I urge the DEA to stop passing the blame and focus on finding solutions to this grave and ongoing health crisis. I implore the DEA to quickly enforce plans ensuring that patients have complete access to all medications used for treating ADHD with the required urgency.

Millions of Americans are dependent on your prompt initiatives for their livelihood. I thank you for your urgent consideration and attention to this critical matter.

Dear Commissioner Califf,

Countless American patients and caregivers managing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have experienced unprecedented healthcare interruptions and adverse effects ever since the Federal Drug Administration initially reported a shortage of Adderall, the mixed amphetamine salts used to treat ADHD, in October 2022.

Several patient advocates and lawmakers have requested federal agencies to help counter the nationwide Adderall scarcity, despite which, its effects continue to distress the health and welfare of millions. The deficit has, in fact, spread to lisdexamfetamine dimesylate, methylphenidate, and other ADHD medications.

Stimulant medication is the primary treatment for ADHD, a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects all aspects of life and persists throughout one's lifespan. Studies show that stimulants are effective, safe, and crucial for improving the health outcomes of individuals with ADHD.

Although I understand that the FDA cannot compel a manufacturer to begin or change their drug production, the agency has the authority, responsibility, and opportunity to move us toward solutions to these significant drug shortages. I urge the agency to stop pointing fingers and start devising solutions to this dangerous ongoing health crisis. I call on the FDA to expedite plans to ensure patient access to the full suite of medications used to treat ADHD, and to do so with urgency.

The livelihood of millions of Americans depends on your swift action. Thank you very much for your timely focus and attention to this important issue.