The Complexity of Forests: Study Reveals Math's Limits

24 February 2024 2124
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Recent research suggests that the fractal patterns observed in individual trees are not exhibited by forests, presenting a new approach to understand and compare complexity in various natural environments. This information has been credited to

Scientists have discovered significant differences in the growth patterns of trees within a forest and the expansion of branches in an individual tree.

Nature consistently surprises us with its repetitive patterns; major tree branches often resemble entire trees, while smaller branches closely resemble the bigger branches they sprout from. If seen separately, any part of a tree could easily be mistaken for a tinier representation of the whole tree.

It was widely believed that this self-similarity, known as fractality, applied to entire forests. However, researchers from the University of Bristol have discovered that this is not accurate.

The recently published study in the Journal of Ecology refutes previously held beliefs that the fractal patterns seen within individual trees could be scaled up to entire forest landscapes.

Dr. Fabian Fischer, the lead author, said fractality appears in many natural systems. Elements such as transport networks including arteries or rivers and organic structures such as trees and ferns are often composed of parts that resemble the whole. He further stated that fractality can quantify the often observed self-similar patterns in nature.

Self-similarity, if it could be extended from a single tree's twigs to entire forest ecosystems, could simplify the way ecologists describe complex landscapes and make it possible to directly compare the complexity of different ecosystems.

To examine the claim that forest canopies act as fractals, the team employed airborne laser scanning data from multiple sites of the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) in Australia.

Dr. Fischer expressed that they found forest canopies aren't fractal, although their deviation from fractality is consistently similar across different ecosystems. Surprisingly, their deviation from fractality and specific parameters, such as the size of trees and the dryness of their environment, displayed a strong association.

Dr. Fischer further stated that there are signs that complex systems may have an upper limit determined by the size of their constituent organisms. If established, these upper limits could provide a path to understanding how diverse organisms and systems function and whether there is a shared structural principle among them.

The team now intends to extend this research by comparing a larger variety of forest ecosystems worldwide and by assessing whether forests share common organizing principles.

In conclusion, Dr. Fischer highlighted the importance of identifying generalizable patterns in nature as a significant scientific endeavor. While the studied forests weren't fractal, the recurring similarities in their deviation from fractality may provide theoretical leverage for uncovering universal organizing principles in biology.

“But this also has practical implications: if we cannot understand the forest from its trees, and vice versa, then we must monitor forests both at small and large scales to understand how they respond to climatic changes and growing human pressure.”

Reference: “No evidence for fractal scaling in canopy surfaces across a diverse range of forest types” by Fabian Jörg Fischer and Tommaso Jucker, 18 December 2023, Journal of Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.14244