"Love Is Blind's Tim Regrets 'Worst Moment' With Alex Being Filmed"

29 October 2024 2792
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Love Is Blind star Tim Godbee expressed his frustration that a difficult moment with his ex Alex Byrd was showcased on season 7 of the reality show.

After viewers witnessed the pair ending their engagement, 33-year-old Tim reflected on their time together in a sneak peek for the reunion.

“I hate the fact that our worst moment is the moment everybody wants to hear about the most,” Tim shared in the teaser released on Monday, October 28. Although Tim didn't elaborate on which moment he was referring to, 33-year-old Alex clearly didn't appreciate his remark, as she rolled her eyes.

The former couple got engaged after forging a deep connection in the pods, but things took a turn when they abruptly broke up during an episode that aired on October 16. Their problems started when Tim's parents traveled “10 hours” to meet Alex for the first time. While the initial meeting went smoothly, Tim was upset that Alex chose to take a nap instead of spending more time with his parents during their visit.

“Some things happened regarding my parents that I didn't really appreciate,” Tim told her during the episode. “I understand you were tired, but my parents drove 10 hours here to meet you. As soon as the cameras stopped rolling, you decided to go to sleep at the first chance. These are the most important people in my life, and all I have in this world, and the choice you made in that moment was to go to sleep."

After expressing his displeasure with her decision to nap, Alex requested the opportunity to explain herself.

“I was exhausted and I enjoy taking naps. We discussed for hours about you, about what I could mean to them as a support, as someone to rely on,” she said. “If it truly meant that much to you, I would have stayed awake.”

He mentioned that he was attempting to “communicate” with Alex while she was “asleep for most of the day.” However, she argued that he hadn't conversed with her much and claimed she had only slept for “an hour.”

As the pair continued to disagree about the situation, Tim admitted he was unhappy with their lack of communication.

In addition to Tim and Alex reuniting after their split, the reunion teaser also featured Tyler Francis discussing his sperm donor controversy.

“Who has a better understanding of what's happening? Social media or me?” Tyler's wife, Ashley Adionser, questioned, while he later acknowledged, “I don't owe anyone an explanation except Ashley.”

Another topic of discussion is whether the couples who got married during the season finale are still together one year later. While many couples split before reaching the altar, 34-year-old Tyler and 32-year-old Ashley tied the knot, as well as Taylor Krause and Garrett Josemans also exchanging vows.

The season 7 reunion of Love Is Blind will premiere on Netflix on Wednesday, October 30 at 9 p.m. ET.