"Unveiling Toxicity in Friendships: Evaluating Unhealthy Relationships with a Quiz"

13 February 2024 2604
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"I seem to attract people who are not good for my wellbeing."

"I need to learn how to choose healthier friendships."

"Why do I allow people to mistreat me?"

"How can I determine who I can trust? I've been hurt so much in the past."

While healthy friendships contribute positively to our lives, toxic friendships on the contrary, like the ones mentioned by ADDitude readers, deplete us.

Due to rejection sensitive dysphoria, low self-esteem, and the tendency to form rapid friendships, ADHD characteristics may render individuals more susceptible to toxic friendships for a variety of reasons.

To identify if a friend may be displaying toxic characteristics towards you, answer the following questions.

The questions listed in this resource are partially derived from Caroline Maguire’s previously held webinar with ADDitude ADHD Experts titled, “An Adult’s Guide to Fostering Friendships with ADHD” [Video Replay & Podcast #478], which was broadcast on November 2, 2023.