Could Greta Gerwig Be Considering a 'Barbie' Sequel with Ken as the Lead Character? | Vanity Fair

07 December 2023 2186
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Article by Chris Murphy

Can you discern it? It's the buzz concerning a potential sequel to Barbie starring the iconic character, Ken. Greta Gerwig, during a recent 60 Minutes interview, gave subtle hints about a Ken-focused Barbie sequel featuring Ryan Gosling as the equine-loving, guitar-playing doll.

Sharyn Alfonsi, a 60 Minutes journalist, queried Gerwig about any possible plans for a sequel spotlighting Ken. Gerwig maintained a mysterious silence on the matter but hinted that it could be a possibility. "Honestly, we'll have to wait and see," Gerwig remarked. She mentioned earlier in the interview that writing Ken's character was a delightful task and she and Noah Baumbach, her co-writer, had a surplus of content for Ken that couldn't be included in the final cut. "We had an abundance of material for Ken," she admitted. "We just kept writing and writing."

Gerwig imagined Ken embodied by Gosling—a strong potential candidate for an Oscar nomination who has since received a Gotham award nod. "We integrated his name into the script...Gosling's name was everywhere," Gerwig disclosed on the SmartLess podcast. "When the script was handed over to the studio, they were delighted that we knew Ryan. To which I clarified, 'I don't know Ryan. Never met him. I don't really know who he is.'"

The idea of a movie starring everyone's favorite symbol of toxic masculinity, Ken, may not appeal to everyone. Nonetheless, if someone can build an interesting narrative with that character, it's likely Gerwig. What could a Ken sequel entail? In the first movie, Ken became aware of patriarchy as Margot Robbie's Barbie went through an existential crisis. Cut to Ken experiencing a mid-life crisis, riding a convertible he can't afford down Barbie Lane past a younger, more attractive Ken, played, predictably, by Jacob Elordi. Ken might also be depicted as a father. Can he muster the 'Kenergy' to be a stay-at-home dad while Barbie juggles her high-powered jobs or, interestingly, as a single father? Imagine, Ken in the role of a father.

Considering that Barbie grossed over a billion dollars in the box office, a sequel starring Gosling's much-loved Ken character is unsurprising. However, if Gerwig struggles to come up with a compelling Ken narrative, she can always abandon the concept and focus on a sequel all can rally behind: Midge.