Science and the sources of pain — Science News, October 26, 1974Chronic pain is no small problem for thousands of Americans. They ...
The United States’ reputation as an exemplar of democracy appears to be eroding.In a poll taken earlier this year, almost three-qu ...
Does It Fly?Roddenberry EntertainmentAvailable wherever you get your podcastsImagine you’re hanging out at a bar with your ...
It’s one of the most massive migrations on Earth: a huge biomass of tiny plankton that travel from deep in the sea toward the surface. Ye ...
With the snap of a camera shutter — and a handy microscope — what was once small can become grand.Tap on the images below to enlar ...
Insects have plenty to beware when it comes to carnivorous plants. Add an acid-loving fungus to that list of dangers.Sundew plants ...
Most of Earth’s meteorites can be linked to just a few collisions within the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, two new studies repo ...
Cats may seem solid, but they’re actually somewhat liquid — at least according to one 2017 theoretical physics paper inspired by videos o ...
Planetary astronomer Bonnie Buratti remembers exactly where she was the first time she heard that Jupiter’s icy moon Europa might host li ...
Human sniffs last between one and three seconds. During that time, chemicals enter the nose and allow us to perceive the smells around us ...
Wind ownership is up for grabs.As an unpaid intern at an energy company in England, Emilia Groupp spent two years creating wind ma ...
Cancer-busting particle beams have been caught in the act.Particle beams can provide a blast of destructive energy directly to tum ...
A pair of male lions that roamed Kenya more than a century ago gained notoriety as the “man-eaters of Tsavo.” To be sure, the big cats hu ...
Astronomers have finally found an asteroid keeping pace with Saturn in its orbit around the sun. Such objects, called Trojan asteroids, a ...
Paris Saint-Germain booked their place in the Champions League quarter-final after emergin...