Molly Seidel: Boston Marathon Racer and Medalist of Tokyo Olympics

28 April 2023 2125
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Molly Seidel, an American marathon runner, is a remarkable athlete who has achieved incredible feats. She is only one of three American women to have won a medal at the Olympics in the marathon event. However, what sets her apart is her openness and bravery in discussing mental health issues.

During her time as a Division I athlete at the University of Notre Dame, Molly was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Despite this, she continued to compete and even won several NCAA championships. However, she later sought treatment for eating disorders.

Years later, after her successful performance at the Tokyo Olympics in 2021 and finishing fourth in the 2021 NYC Marathon with a personal best, Molly discovered the primary cause of her ongoing mental health problems was attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Molly has recently spoken publicly about being diagnosed with ADHD and has faced criticism online, which she finds frustrating and disheartening. She believes that more people need to speak out about these issues to provide role models for those who may be struggling. She states that many athletes face mental health issues and that there is still a lot of stigma and hatred for those who speak out.

Despite suffering a race-ending hip injury during the 2022 Boston Marathon, Molly remains optimistic about the changing attitudes towards mental health issues. She believes that the Tokyo Olympics was a watershed moment for mental health awareness.